Life~ You got to love it!

The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge.~ Bertrand Russell

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kobi's tooth and the Supper Nanny!

I was glad to see the Supper Nanny was excited for Kobi too! I thought that was such a funny picture! Kobi was laughing so hard when he saw it! Last night little mommy Morgan decided to help Kobi with his front tooth. It is just to dramatic when I do it she decided! This tooth has been loose for a long time now so it was time to "get that thing out" Morgan said. She was so sweet as he had his head on her lap and took deep breaths while she yanked on that thing! It was pretty funny! So this morning he proudly gave half of his Tooth Fairy money to his deserving sissy! ;) then they both fell back to sleep! They are so funny together most of the time! It is fun to watch them take care of each other these days! Hope it continues!

1 comment:

  1. That is an adorable story! I can just see it! What sweet kids...

